Course: Data Structures and Algorithms
- Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
- Overview: This unit provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms. It covers the importance of DSA in problem-solving, the relationship between data structures and algorithms, and their significance in software development and computer science.
- Unit 2: Arrays and Linked Lists
- Overview: Students will learn about arrays, linked lists, and their applications. The unit covers the implementation, manipulation, and traversal of arrays and linked lists, along with the analysis of algorithms associated with these data structures.
- Unit 3: Stacks and Queues
- Overview: This unit focuses on the implementation and applications of stacks and queues. Students will learn about stack and queue operations, their use in solving problems, and the associated algorithms such as push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue.
- Unit 4: Trees and Binary Search Trees
- Overview: Students will be introduced to tree data structures, including binary trees and binary search trees. The unit covers tree traversal, tree balancing, and the use of binary search trees in various applications.
- Unit 5: Graphs and Graph Algorithms
- Overview: This unit explores the concepts of graphs and their representations. Students will learn about graph traversal algorithms, shortest path algorithms, and minimum spanning tree algorithms, along with their real-world applications.
- Unit 6: Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Overview: Students will study various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, quicksort, and merge sort. The unit also covers searching algorithms like linear search, binary search, and their complexity analysis.
- Unit 7: Hashing and Hash Tables
- Overview: This unit focuses on hashing techniques and the implementation of hash tables. Students will learn about collision resolution, hash functions, and the applications of hash tables in data storage and retrieval.
- Unit 8: Heaps and Priority Queues
- Overview: Students will explore the concept of heaps and their use in priority queue implementations. The unit covers heap operations, heapify, and the applications of priority queues in various domains.
- Unit 9: String Algorithms
- Overview: This unit introduces algorithms for string matching, string manipulation, and pattern searching. Students will learn about string matching algorithms such as KMP and Rabin-Karp, along with their efficiency analysis.
- Unit 10: Advanced Topics in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Overview: This final unit covers advanced topics such as dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and divide-and-conquer. Students will explore real-world applications of DSA, algorithm design paradigms, and problem-solving strategies.
This structure provides a comprehensive overview of the essential data structures and algorithms, equipping students with the knowledge and skills required for software development, problem-solving, and algorithmic thinking. Each unit’s content overview is designed to build a strong foundation in DSA and prepare students for advanced studies and practical applications in the field.